- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ [Tile 2 x 4 with Black Blacksmith's Hammer and Tongs, Trees and Mountains Pattern]
- 700¿ø
- 350¿ø

- ·¹°í µ¿Àü Tile, Round 1 x 1 with Dark Bluish Gray Outlined Number 5 on Silver Background Coin Pattern [Flat Silver]
- 150¿ø
- 110¿ø

- ·¹°í ¿øÇü ŸÀÏ Tile, Round 1 x 1 with Dark Bluish Gray and White Sunflower Seeds Pattern [Tan]
- 400¿ø
- 250¿ø

- ·¹°í ¿øÇü ŸÀÏ Tile, Round 1 x 1 with Black Hourglass and Circle Pattern
- 200¿ø
- 100¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà Tile 1 x 2 with Hexagonal Gold Solar Panel Pattern [Black]
- 500¿ø
- 250¿ø

- ·¹°í ¿øÇü ÆÐÅÏ Å¸ÀÏ Tile, Round 2 x 2 with Bottom Stud Holder with Alloy Wheel with Black and Silver Circles Pattern [White]
- 300¿ø
- 250¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏRound 1 x 2 Oval with Silver Dashboard, Metallic Light Blue Tachometer with Number 9 and Speedometer with Number 92 Pattern [Light Bluish Gray]
- 600¿ø
- 450¿ø

- ·¹°í µ¿Àü Tile, Round 1 x 1 with Gold and Dark Brown Crown Coin Pattern [Pearl Gold]
- 700¿ø
- 450¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà [Tile 1 x 4 with Gold Intertwined Sea Serpent / Snake Pattern [Reddish Brown]
- 600¿ø
- 300¿ø

- ·¹°í ¿øÇü ŸÀÏ Round 2 x 2 with Bottom Stud Holder with Dark Brown Border and Bars and Dark Red Dragon Pattern [Midium Nougat[
- 500¿ø
- 250¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ [Tile 2 x 4 with White 'ECO 1:1' and City Apartment Building (Set 60365) Pattern] (Blue)
- 700¿ø
- 500¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ Tile 2 x 2 with Guest Book, 'Visitors', Signatures 'Albert Minnie Jo Diana Clark', and Reddish Brown Cover Pattern [Tan]
- 500¿ø
- 300¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ Tile 2 x 2 with Galaxy Explorer on Dark Green Diagnostic Screen and Red, Bright Green and Yellow Lights Pattern [White]
- 500¿ø
- 300¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏTile 2 x 2 with Dark Green Screen with 'REC' and Classic Space Minifigure, and Red, Bright Green and Yellow Lights and Line Pattern [White]
- 500¿ø
- 300¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ Tile 2 x 2 with Dark Green Radar Screen with Blacktron Logo Blip and Red and Bright Green Lights Pattern [White]
- 500¿ø
- 300¿ø

- ·¹°í Tile 1 x 3 with Black Danger Stripes Pattern [Yellow]
- 400¿ø
- 350¿ø

- ·¹°í ŸÀÏ ÇÁ¸°Æà Tile 1 x 2 with Computer Keyboard Blank Keys Pattern [Black]
- 500¿ø
- 300¿ø

- ·¹°í ŸÀÏ ÆÐÅÏ Round 2 x 2 with Bottom Stud Holder with Gold Frame with 6 Chevrons, Dark Orange and White Core Logo Pattern [Pearl Gold]
- 200¿ø
- 100¿ø

- ·¹°í Àü±â Ç÷¯±× Round 1 x 1 with Green Electric Power Plug and Medium Azure Lightning Bolt on Yellowish Green Background Pattern [White]
- 150¿ø
- 100¿ø

- ·¹°í °è±âÆÇ Round 1 x 1 with Black Gauge with Red Pointer and White, Medium Azure, and Red Tick Marks Pattern [Light BLush Gray]
- 150¿ø
- 100¿ø

- ·¹°í ¹ú ŸÀÏ Round 1 x 1 with Black and Yellow Bee Pattern
- 250¿ø
- 200¿ø

- ·¹°í Ÿ±ê ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ Tile, Round 2 x 2 with Bottom Stud Holder with Red Circles Pattern [White]
- 500¿ø
- 250¿ø

- ·¹°í ŸÀÏ ÇÁ¸°Æà °è±âÆÇ Tile 1 x 2 with Groove with Black '82', Yellow and Red Bar Chart and Buttons, White Gauges Pattern
- 800¿ø
- 450¿ø

- ·¹°í ÆÐÅÏ Å¸ÀÏ Tile 1 x 4 with 5 Black Danger Stripes (No Black Corners) Pattern
- 500¿ø
- 400¿ø

- ·¹°í ŸÀÏ ÇÁ¸°Æà Tile 1 x 2 with Groove with Sunflower and Seeds on Dark Azure Background Pattern
- 300¿ø
- 250¿ø

- ·¹°í Tile 2 x 4 with White Bicycle Pattern [Dark Azure]
- 600¿ø
- 450¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ Tile 2 x 2 with Groove with Electricity Danger Sign and Rivets Pattern
- 500¿ø
- 350¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ [Tile 2 x 4 with Minifigure Worker with Shovel and Pile, Head with Construction Helmet in Blue Circle, and Red Danger Stripes Pattern]
- 700¿ø
- 500¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ [Tile 2 x 4 with Medium Nougat Boards, '23', Metallic Light Blue Planter, and Lime Plants Pattern]
- 500¿ø
- 450¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ [Tile 2 x 3 with Gold 'Santa's Nice List' and Black Names Pattern]
- 900¿ø
- 650¿ø
