- ·¹°í ²Ü¹úÆÐÅÏ Å¸ÀÏ Tile 2 x 2 with Groove with Beehive Frame and 2 Bees Pattern
- 750¿ø
- 500¿ø

- ·¹°í ½º¸¶Æ®Æù Tile 1 x 2 with Groove with Smartphone, Phone, Speech Bubble, Note, Play Button, Signal Strength and Battery Level Pattern
- 700¿ø
- 350¿ø

- ·¹°í ½º¸¶Æ® Æù -Tile 1 x 2 with Groove with Cell Phone Screen and App Icons Pattern [Black]
- 800¿ø
- 450¿ø

- ·¹°í ´ÜÁö Utensil Pot Small with Handle Holders [Pearl Dark Gray]
- 800¿ø
- 400¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà Tile 2 x 3 with Dark Bluish Gray Squares Pattern [Tan»ö]
- 900¿ø
- 500¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÖµµ±×[Sand Green]
- 500¿ø
- 300¿ø

- ·¹°í ŸÀÏ ³ª¹«ÆÐÅÏ(¼Ò) Tile, Round 1 x 1 with Tree Stump / Wood Grain Pattern [Reddish Brown]
- 150¿ø
- 100¿ø

- ·¹°í ÆíÁöºÀÅõ Tile 1 x 2 with Groove with Blue Lines and Red Square Pattern (Mail Envelope with Stamp)
- 500¿ø
- 350¿ø

- ·¹°í Utensil Sherbet / Sundae Dish [Trans Orange]
- 1,500¿ø
- 1,350¿ø

- ·¹°í °ñµå¹Ù ±Ý±« Gold Ingot (Bar) [Metalic Gold]
- 700¿ø
- 550¿ø

- ·¹°í Á£°¡¶ô Utensil Chopsticks [Tan]
- 900¿ø
- 450¿ø

- ·¹°í ·»Ä¡ Ajustable Wrench [Flat Silver]
- 700¿ø
- 450¿ø

- ·¹°í Á¢½Ã Utensil Bowl Asian with Blue Rim and Dragon Pattern
- 600¿ø
- 500¿ø

- ·¹°í ¹«´ç¹ú·¹ Round 1 x 1 with Ladybug Pattern
- 700¿ø
- 450¿ø

- ·¹°í ŸÀÏ ÇÁ¸°Æà ºñµð¿ÀÅ×ÀÙ Tile 1 x 2 with Groove with Video Cassette / VHS Tape Pattern [Black]
- 800¿ø
- 550¿ø

- ·¹°í ÆËÄÜ ºê¸¯ Brick 1 x 1 with Red Vertical Stripes and Yellow 'POP' in Speech Bubble (Popcorn Box) Pattern
- 900¿ø
- 600¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏTile 2 x 2 with Groove with BeatBit Album Cover - Yellow TV Screen Countdown Number 1 Pattern [Black]
- 600¿ø
- 400¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ Tile 2 x 2 with Groove with BeatBit Album Cover - Geometric Minifigure Heads, Arms and Quarter Tiles Pattern [Black]
- 600¿ø
- 400¿ø

- ·¹°í ±ê¹ßFlag 7 x 3 with Bar Handle with 'Gryffindor' and Lion In Shield Pattern (Sticker) - Set 4842 ½ºÆ¼Ä¿
- 2,500¿ø
- 2,000¿ø

- ·¹°í Ä¡Áî Slope 30 1 x 1 x 2/3 with Swiss Cheese Pattern
- 500¿ø
- 250¿ø

- ·¹°í ÄÅ Utensil Stein / Cup with Trans-Orange Drink Pattern (Trans_Åõ¸í)
- 1,700¿ø
- 1,550¿ø

- ·¹°í ½ºÅ¸¿öÁî ÀúÇ×±º ·Î°í ŸÀÏ Tile 2 x 2 with Groove with SW Rebel Logo Pattern [Dark Blush Gray]
- 500¿ø
- 350¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ Tile 2 x 2 with Groove with Super Mario Scanner Code Toad Speech Bubble with Ellipsis Pattern (Sticker) - Sets 71368 / 77907
- 500¿ø
- 350¿ø

- ·¹°í ž籤 ÆÐÅÏ ÆгΠTile 1 x 4 with Solar Panels Pattern [Dark Blue]
- 500¿ø
- 400¿ø

- ·¹°í ŸÀÏ ÇÁ¸°Æà Tile 1 x 1 with Groove with Metallic Light Blue and Coral Swirl on Black Background Pattern
- 400¿ø
- 250¿ø

- ·¹°í Àå½Ä ¼ÒÇ° Chain with Tassel [Pearl Gold]
- 500¿ø
- 250¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇÁ¸°Æà ŸÀÏ Tile, Modified 2 x 3 Pentagonal with Nexo Power Shield Pattern - Banana Bombs
- 500¿ø
- 400¿ø

- ·¹°í º£·² Barrel Half Large with Axle Hole [Lavender]
- 600¿ø

- ·¹°í ¼ö¹Ú Tile, Round 1 x 1 with Coral Watermelon with Dark Turquoise Rind and Black Seeds Pattern
- 500¿ø

- ·¹°í ÇØÃÊ Plant Sea Grass [Dark Pink ]
- 800¿ø
